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Saturday, 20 April 2024

WHO: The World is at a Critical Stage of the Corona Epidemic

18 July 2021

Writer: Sayatkyzy Ayazhan
The World Health Organization (WHO) says the world is at a critical stage of the corona epidemic “I urge all world leaders to work together to ensure that this issue is addressed at this time next year,” Tedros Adhanam Gibriosius, head of the organization, told an online conference in Geneva on Friday.
Seventy percent of people in every country in the world have been vaccinated, which is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of the coronary heart disease, to save lives, to truly rebuild the world’s economy Ways to be prevented. “
According to the head of the World Health Organization (WHO), in countries that have received fewer vaccinations, hospitals are once again witnessing horrific scenes of overcrowding and overcrowded beds.
According to Johns Hopkins University in the United States, over 190 million people have been infected with the corona worldwide so far, and more than four million people have died as a result.

Coronavirus,COVID-19,COVID-19 worldwide,Keshwarnews