In line with regional convergence

Sunday, 19 May 2024

Taliban Confirms Agreement to Protesters’ Demands for Taliban Force Reassignment in Badakhshan

08 May 2024

In response to civil unrest in two districts of Badakhshan, the Taliban’s Ministry of the Interior announced plans to reorganize its security forces within the province.

Abdul Matin Qaneh, the Taliban spokesperson for the interior Ministry, conveyed to the BBC that the Taliban will heed the demands of the protestors in Badakhshan by instituting a reformation of the security personnel stationed there.

Furthermore, Qaneh affirmed the commitment to prosecuting those responsible for the deaths of two individuals during demonstrations against the eradication of poppy crops in the region. Local inhabitants are calling for the deceased to be subjected to legal proceedings in a specialized court overseen by the Taliban.

The incidents, which led to two fatalities and one injury, occurred amidst confrontations in the Darayim and Argo districts, areas notably associated with significant poppy cultivation. The Taliban interior Ministry’s spokesperson emphasized the ongoing efforts to combat poppy farming in Badakhshan and reported a return to stability in the province.

During the unrest, eight individuals were detained, and in an effort to quell tensions, a delegation headed by Fasihuddin Fitrat, the Chief of Army Staff for the Taliban, has been dispatched to facilitate dialogue in Badakhshan.

The protests, ignited by the deployment of “non-native forces” and actions taken against poppy fields, which resulted in civilian casualties, have persisted for several days in the Darayim and Argo districts.